In continuation to my previous posts 1, 2, which delved into the domain of computer vision by building and fine-tuning an image classification model using Fastai, I would like to venture into the fascinating domain of Natural Language Processing using Fastai.

For this post we'll be working on the Real or Not? NLP with Disaster Tweets competition dataset on Kaggle to build a text classifier to distinguish between normal tweets and tweets sent out during a natural disaster using the ULMFiT approach and decoding this revolutionary paper that changed the NLP schenario for the better in the recent years.

Sat Sep 17 15:33:14 2022       
| NVIDIA-SMI 460.32.03    Driver Version: 460.32.03    CUDA Version: 11.2     |
| GPU  Name        Persistence-M| Bus-Id        Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC |
| Fan  Temp  Perf  Pwr:Usage/Cap|         Memory-Usage | GPU-Util  Compute M. |
|                               |                      |               MIG M. |
|   0  Tesla T4            Off  | 00000000:00:04.0 Off |                    0 |
| N/A   63C    P0    27W /  70W |   2342MiB / 15109MiB |      0%      Default |
|                               |                      |                  N/A |
| Processes:                                                                  |
|  GPU   GI   CI        PID   Type   Process name                  GPU Memory |
|        ID   ID                                                   Usage      |


# Installing and importing the necessary libraries 
!pip install fastai --quiet
!pip install kaggle --quiet

from fastai.text.all import *

import warnings

Dataset Download and basic EDA

Using Kaggle API to download the competition dataset and view the data

Fill in your username and key from Kaggle and run the below code

!touch ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json

api_token = {"username":"xxxxxxxxxx","key":"xxxxxxxxxx"}

import json

with open('/root/.kaggle/kaggle.json', 'w') as file:
    json.dump(api_token, file)

!chmod 600 ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json
# Using the kaggle api to search the name of the competition dataset to download
!kaggle competitions list -s 'nlp'
ref                                                deadline             category            reward  teamCount  userHasEntered  
-------------------------------------------------  -------------------  ---------------  ---------  ---------  --------------  
nlp-getting-started                                2030-01-01 00:00:00  Getting Started  Knowledge        725            True  
feedback-prize-english-language-learning           2022-11-29 23:59:00  Featured           $55,000        716           False  
contradictory-my-dear-watson                       2030-07-01 23:59:00  Getting Started     Prizes         41           False  
jigsaw-toxic-severity-rating                       2022-02-07 23:59:00  Featured           $50,000       2301           False  
jigsaw-unintended-bias-in-toxicity-classification  2019-07-18 19:35:00  Featured           $65,000       3165           False  
us-patent-phrase-to-phrase-matching                2022-06-20 23:59:00  Featured           $25,000       1889            True  
google-quest-challenge                             2020-02-10 23:59:00  Featured           $25,000       1571            True  
feedback-prize-2021                                2022-03-15 23:59:00  Featured          $160,000       2058           False  
nbme-score-clinical-patient-notes                  2022-05-03 23:59:00  Featured           $50,000       1471           False  
feedback-prize-effectiveness                       2022-08-23 23:59:00  Featured           $55,000       1557           False  
gendered-pronoun-resolution                        2019-04-22 23:59:00  Research           $25,000        838           False  
AI4Code                                            2022-11-10 23:59:00  Featured          $150,000        917           False  
word2vec-nlp-tutorial                              2015-06-30 23:59:00  Getting Started  Knowledge        577           False  
trec-covid-information-retrieval                   2020-06-03 11:00:00  Research             Kudos         19           False  
data-science-for-good-city-of-los-angeles          2019-06-21 23:59:00  Analytics          $15,000          0           False  

The competition dataset we would like to download is the 1st one titled nlp-getting-started

dataset_path = '/content/'
dataset = 'nlp-getting-started'
%cd {dataset_path}

# Creating a folder for the dataset
!mkdir {dataset}
%cd {dataset}

# Using the Kaggle API to download dataset
!kaggle competitions download -c {dataset}
Downloading to /content/nlp-getting-started
  0% 0.00/593k [00:00<?, ?B/s]
100% 593k/593k [00:00<00:00, 143MB/s]
# Unzip the dataset and delete the respective zip file

!unzip {dataset + '.zip'}
!rm {dataset + '.zip'} 
  inflating: sample_submission.csv   
  inflating: test.csv                
  inflating: train.csv               
path = Path(f'{dataset_path}{dataset}')
Path.BASE_PATH = path
(#3) [Path('train.csv'),Path('sample_submission.csv'),Path('test.csv')]
train = pd.read_csv(path/'train.csv')
test = pd.read_csv(path/'test.csv')
id keyword location text target
0 1 NaN NaN Our Deeds are the Reason of this #earthquake May ALLAH Forgive us all 1
1 4 NaN NaN Forest fire near La Ronge Sask. Canada 1
2 5 NaN NaN All residents asked to 'shelter in place' are being notified by officers. No other evacuation or shelter in place orders are expected 1
3 6 NaN NaN 13,000 people receive #wildfires evacuation orders in California 1
4 7 NaN NaN Just got sent this photo from Ruby #Alaska as smoke from #wildfires pours into a school 1
0    4342
1    3271
Name: target, dtype: int64
id keyword location text
0 0 NaN NaN Just happened a terrible car crash
1 2 NaN NaN Heard about #earthquake is different cities, stay safe everyone.
2 3 NaN NaN there is a forest fire at spot pond, geese are fleeing across the street, I cannot save them all
3 9 NaN NaN Apocalypse lighting. #Spokane #wildfires
4 11 NaN NaN Typhoon Soudelor kills 28 in China and Taiwan
The training set has 7613 records.
The test set has 3263 records.

The ULMFiT approach

The Universal Language Model Fine-tuning (ULMFiT) is an inductive transfer learning approach developed by Jeremy Howard and Sebastian Ruder to all the tasks in the domain of natural language processing which sparked the usage of transfer learning in NLP tasks.

The ULMFiT approach to training NLP models is heralded as the ImageNet moment in the domain of Natural Language Processing

The model architecture used in the entire process of the ULMFiT approach is ubiquitous and is the well-known AWD-LSTM architecture.

The ULMFiT approach can be braodly explained in the 3 major steps as shown below:

Step 1: Training a general corpus language model

A language model is first trained on a corpus of Wikipedia articles known as Wikitext-103 using a self-supervised approach, i.e. using the training labels in itself to train models, in this case training a LM to learn to predict the next word in a sequence. This resulting LM learns the semantics of the english language and captures general features in the different layers.

This pretrained language model is trained on 28,595 Wikipedia articles and training process is very expensive and time consuming and is luckily open-sourced in the Fastai library for us to use.

Side Note: Text Pre-processing

Transforming and normalizing texts such that it can be trained on a neural network for language modeling

In my previous post, Building an image classifier using Fastai V2 we look at the datablock API of Fastai and where we apply the resize transform that ensures that all images used for training the image classifier model are resized to the same dimensions in order to be able to collate them in the GPU.

The same type of pre-processing needs to be done for texts in order to train a language model. Whether it's the articles in the Wikipedia 103 dataset or tweets in disaster dataset are of different lengths and can be very long. Thus the tweets corpus i.e. the dataset needs to pre-processed correctly in order to train a neural network on text data.

There are many ways the pre-processing for textual data can be done and Fastai approach is to apply the following 2 main transforms to texts:

Note: A transform in Fastai is basically an almost reversible function that transforms data into another form(encoding) and also has the capability of getting back the original data(decoding) if needed.

1. Tokenization

The first step is to gather all the unique tokens in the corpus being used.

A token can be defined in numerous ways depedning on the person creating the language model based on the granularity level i.e. the smallest part of the text they would like to consider. In the simplest scenario, a word can be considered as the token.

So the idea is to get a list of all the unique words used in the general domain corpus(Wikipedia 103 dataset) and our added downstream dataset(Disaster tweets dataset) to build a vocabulary for training our language model.

# Let's take an example text from our training set to show a tokenization example

txt = train['text'].iloc[0]
'Our Deeds are the Reason of this #earthquake May ALLAH Forgive us all'
# Initializing the default tokenizer used in Fastai which is that of Spacy called `WordTokenizer`
spacy = WordTokenizer() 

# Wrapping the Spacy tokenizer with a custom Fastai function to make some custom changes to the tokenizer
tkn = Tokenizer(spacy) 

(#21) ['xxbos','xxmaj','our','xxmaj','deeds','are','the','xxmaj','reason','of'...]
txts = L([i for i in train['text']])
(#7613) ['Our Deeds are the Reason of this #earthquake May ALLAH Forgive us all','Forest fire near La Ronge Sask. Canada',"All residents asked to 'shelter in place' are being notified by officers. No other evacuation or shelter in place orders are expected",'13,000 people receive #wildfires evacuation orders in California ','Just got sent this photo from Ruby #Alaska as smoke from #wildfires pours into a school ','#RockyFire Update => California Hwy. 20 closed in both directions due to Lake County fire - #CAfire #wildfires','#flood #disaster Heavy rain causes flash flooding of streets in Manitou, Colorado Springs areas',"I'm on top of the hill and I can see a fire in the woods...","There's an emergency evacuation happening now in the building across the street","I'm afraid that the tornado is coming to our area..."...]
# Setting up a tokenizer on the entire dataframe 'train'
tok = Tokenizer.from_df(train)

toks =
(#21) ['xxbos','xxmaj','our','xxmaj','deeds','are','the','xxmaj','reason','of'...]

Note: The special tokens you can see above starting with 'xx' are special fastai tokens added on top of the spacy tokenizer used to indicate certain extra meanings in the text data as follows:

  • xxbos:: Indicates the beginning of a text (here, a review)
  • xxmaj:: Indicates the next word begins with a capital (since we lowercased everything)
  • xxunk:: Indicates the next word is unknown

As mentioned above Tokenizer is a Fastai transform, which is basically a function with and encodes and decodes method available to tokenize a text and return it back to almost the same initial state.

'xxbos xxmaj our xxmaj deeds are the xxmaj reason of this # earthquake xxmaj may xxup allah xxmaj forgive us all'

The reason we don't get the original string back when applying decode is because the default tokenizer used in this case isn't reversible.

2. Numericalization

The next step in the pre-processing step is to index the tokens created earlier so that they can easily accessed.

num = Numericalize()
nums =
TensorText([  2,   8, 150,   8,   0,  43,  14,   8, 885,  19])
TensorText([   2,    8,  150,    8,    0,   43,   14,    8,  885,   19,   39,
              13,  301,    8,  170,    7, 1620,    8,    0,  120,   65])
(#10) ['xxbos','xxmaj','our','xxmaj','xxunk','are','the','xxmaj','reason','of']

Step 2: Fine-tuning pretrained LM to downstream dataset

Despite having a vast language model pre-trained, it's always likely that the specific downstream task we would like to build our NLP model is a part of a slightly different distribution and thus need to fine-tune this Wikitext 103 LM.

This step is much faster and it converges much faster as there will be an overlap to the general domain dataset. It only needs to adapt to the idiosyncrasies of the language used and not learn the language per say.

Since NLP models are more shallow in comparison to a computer vision model, the fine-tuning approaches need to be different and thus the paper provides novel fine-tuning techniques to do so:

Discriminative Fine-tuning

Since different layers of the model capture different types of information and thus they should be fine-tuned to different extents.

This idea is similar as the use of discriminative learning rates used in CV applications which I explained in detail in my previous post.

Slanted Triangular Learning Rates

The idea behind slanted learning rates is that for a pretrained language model to adpat/fine-tune itself to the downstream dataset, the fine-tuning process should ideally converge faster to asuitable region in the parameter space and thern refine its parameters there.

So the slanted learning rates approach first linearly increases the learning rates for a short period and then linearly decays the learning rate slowly which is a modification of of Leslie Smith's traingular learning rate approache where the increase and decrease is almost the same.

Creating a dataloader

Putting the pre-processed data in batches of text sequences for fine-tuning the language model

# dataset for fine-tuning language model which only needs the text data

df_lm = pd.concat([train, test], axis=0)[['text']]
0 Our Deeds are the Reason of this #earthquake May ALLAH Forgive us all
1 Forest fire near La Ronge Sask. Canada
2 All residents asked to 'shelter in place' are being notified by officers. No other evacuation or shelter in place orders are expected
3 13,000 people receive #wildfires evacuation orders in California
4 Just got sent this photo from Ruby #Alaska as smoke from #wildfires pours into a school

Note: An important trick used in creating a dataloader here is that we use all the data available to us i.e train and test data. In case we had a dataset with unlabeled reviews we could also use that to fine-tune the pre-trained model better since this step doesn't need labels and is self-supervised.

Creating a dataloader for self-supervised learning task which tries to predict the next word in a sequence as represented by text_ below.

Fastai handles text processing steps like tokenization and numericalization internally when TextBlock is passed to DataBlock.

dls_lm = DataBlock(
    blocks=TextBlock.from_df('text', is_lm=True),
    # using only 10% of entire comments data for validation inorder to learn more
dls_lm = dls_lm.dataloaders(df_lm, bs=64, seq_len=72)


  • Select the batch size bs based on how much your GPU can handle without running out of memory
  • The sequence length seq_len for the data split used here is the default sequence length used for training the Wikipedia 103 language model

text text_
0 xxbos xxup rt @livingsafely : xxup nws posts xxmaj severe # xxmaj thunderstorm xxmaj warnings for parts of # xxup ar # xxup nc # xxup ok . xxmaj seek strong shelter if at risk : http : / / / xxunk xxbos xxmaj fire crews evacuate passengers from a xxmaj gold xxmaj coast tram trapped when powerlines fell across a xxunk . # xxunk 5 pm http : / / xxup rt @livingsafely : xxup nws posts xxmaj severe # xxmaj thunderstorm xxmaj warnings for parts of # xxup ar # xxup nc # xxup ok . xxmaj seek strong shelter if at risk : http : / / / xxunk xxbos xxmaj fire crews evacuate passengers from a xxmaj gold xxmaj coast tram trapped when powerlines fell across a xxunk . # xxunk 5 pm http : / /
1 entire group based on the actions of a few .. a heart - warming xxunk against terrorism .. http : / / / xxunk xxbos xxunk nah young blood that cook is gone xxmaj i 'm cut now xxunk xxbos xxmaj greece 's tax revenues collapse as debt crisis continues http : / / / xxunk xxbos xxmaj gas xxunk forces evacuation in east xxmaj saint xxmaj john http : group based on the actions of a few .. a heart - warming xxunk against terrorism .. http : / / / xxunk xxbos xxunk nah young blood that cook is gone xxmaj i 'm cut now xxunk xxbos xxmaj greece 's tax revenues collapse as debt crisis continues http : / / / xxunk xxbos xxmaj gas xxunk forces evacuation in east xxmaj saint xxmaj john http : /
2 xxunk xxmaj another shooting in a movie theater this is getting more xxunk but xxmaj i 'm glad they got the shooter & & no casualties . xxbos who xxunk all night in xxunk light of xxmaj xxunk floated out and sat through the xxunk beer afternoon in desolate xxmaj xxunk xxbos xxmaj xxunk xxmaj empire - xxmaj first responders turn out for xxmaj national xxmaj night xxmaj out http : / xxmaj another shooting in a movie theater this is getting more xxunk but xxmaj i 'm glad they got the shooter & & no casualties . xxbos who xxunk all night in xxunk light of xxmaj xxunk floated out and sat through the xxunk beer afternoon in desolate xxmaj xxunk xxbos xxmaj xxunk xxmaj empire - xxmaj first responders turn out for xxmaj national xxmaj night xxmaj out http : / /
# Saving the dataloader for fast use in the future, path/'disaster_tweets_dls_lm.pkl')
# To load the Dataloaders in the future

dls_lm = torch.load(path/'disaster_tweets_dls_lm.pkl')

Fine-tuning the language model

Fine-tuning Wikitext 103 based LM to disaster tweets using ULMFiT fine-tuning methodologies. This fine-tuned LM can thus be used as the base to classify disaster texts in the next step.

The common metric used in CV models is accuracy but in sequence based models we use something called perplexity which is basically exponential of the loss as follows:

#fine-tuning wikitext LM to disaster tweets dataset

learn = language_model_learner(
    dls_lm, AWD_LSTM,
    metrics=[accuracy, Perplexity()]).to_fp16()
  (0): AWD_LSTM(
    (encoder): Embedding(5832, 400, padding_idx=1)
    (encoder_dp): EmbeddingDropout(
      (emb): Embedding(5832, 400, padding_idx=1)
    (rnns): ModuleList(
      (0): WeightDropout(
        (module): LSTM(400, 1152, batch_first=True)
      (1): WeightDropout(
        (module): LSTM(1152, 1152, batch_first=True)
      (2): WeightDropout(
        (module): LSTM(1152, 400, batch_first=True)
    (input_dp): RNNDropout()
    (hidden_dps): ModuleList(
      (0): RNNDropout()
      (1): RNNDropout()
      (2): RNNDropout()
  (1): LinearDecoder(
    (decoder): Linear(in_features=400, out_features=5832, bias=True)
    (output_dp): RNNDropout()

Embedding Layer

We can see that the above AWD LSTM architecture used in ULMFiT has a bunch of layers called embedding layers as the input here.

The pre-processed text and the batching of data using dataloaders is followed by passing this data into an embedding layer which can be considered as a small neural network by itself which is used to calculate token i.e. word dependencies in the dataset. These layers are trained along with the main neural network model and learns relationships between words in the dataset along the way.

An embedding layer is a computationally efficient method to represent tokens in a lesser dimension space, being less sparse and as a look-up table for all tokens in our dataset which captures relationships between the tokens.

It's a much more computationally efficient approach to the traditional one-hot encoding appraoch which can make these types of task really expensive and inefficient.

If you would like to know more about word embedding check out this amazing video by Rachael Thomas, co-founder of Fastai.


Let's train the last layer of the model using a learning rate of 1e-2 based on the above learning rate finder plot using Leslie Smith's 1 Cycle Training approach.

learn.fine_tune(5, 1e-2)
epoch train_loss valid_loss accuracy perplexity time
0 4.834417 3.721524 0.385059 41.327328 00:14
epoch train_loss valid_loss accuracy perplexity time
0 3.752483 3.395519 0.419342 29.830124 00:15
1 3.487922 3.161577 0.450106 23.607807 00:14
2 3.245892 3.043963 0.466685 20.988258 00:15
3 3.077577 3.003706 0.471719 20.160116 00:15
4 2.952500 2.996089 0.473472 20.007145 00:15

Once we have fine-tuned out LM to our downstream task, we save the encoder part of the model which portion of the model except the final layer that predicts the next word in the sequence.

We can then use thisencoder part, which is the portion that learns the language semantics, as our base to build a disaster tweets classification model.

# Saving the encoder


Step 3: Training a classifier on the downstream NLP task

Now that we have a language model fine-tuned to our downstream NLP dataset we can use the encoder portion of the fine-tuned language model which is the part that learns the features of the language used in the downstream dataset as the base to build a text classifier for tasks such as sentiment analysis, spam detection, fraud detection, document classifcation etc.

The encoder saved is then appended by a simple classifier consisting of two additional linear blocks consisting of the standard batch normalization and dropout, with ReLU activations for the intermediate layer and a softmax activation at the last layer for the classification purpose.

Fine-tuning a classifier is a very critical task in a transfer learning method and is the main reason why transfer learning approaches failed until ULMFiT came along.

Overly aggressive fine-tuning can result in catastrophic forgetting and too cautious fine-tuning can lead to extremely slow convergence.

To tackle this problem, ULMFiT introduces a novel fine-tuning technique in gradual unfreezing besides also using slanted triangular learning rates and discriminative fine-tuning to successfully train a classifier using a pre-trained LM.

Gradual Unfreezing

The idea behind gradual unfreezing is that fine-tuning a classifier on all layers can result in catastrophic forgetting and thus each layer staring form the las layer is trained one after the other by freezing all the lower layers and only training the layer in question.

The paper empirically found that after training the last layer of the model with a learning rate of lr, the subsequent layers can be trained one after another by reducing lr by a factor of 2.6.

Backpropagation Throught Time for Text Classification (BPT3C)

Since the model architecture for training and fine-tuning the language is that of an LSTM, the paper implements the backpropagation through time(BPTT) approach to be able propagate gradients without them exploding or vanishing.

In the ULMFiT approach, a modification to the traditional BPTT is made specifically in the fine-tuning classifier phase called BPTT for Text Classification(BPT3C) to make fine-tuning a classifier for large documents feasible.

Steps in BPT3C:

  • The document is divided into fixed length batches of size 'b'.
  • At the beginning of each batch, the model is initiated with the final state of the previous batch by keeping track of the hidden states for mean and max-pooling.
  • The gradients are back-propagated to the batches whose hidden states contributed to the final prediction.
  • In practice, variable length back-propagation sequences are used.

Concat Pooling

Since signals for classifying texts can exist anywhere and are not only limited to last word in the sequence, the ULMFiT approach also proposes to concatenate the last time step of the document by max-pooling and mean-pooling representations to provide more signal and better training

Creating the classifier dataloader

Ensure that the sequence length and vocab passed to the TextBlock is same as that given while fine-tuning LM

blocks = (TextBlock.from_df('text', seq_len=dls_lm.seq_len, vocab=dls_lm.vocab), CategoryBlock())
dls = DataBlock(blocks=blocks,
dls = dls.dataloaders(train, bs=64)
text category
0 xxbos _ \n▁ xxrep 5 ? xxup retweet \n▁ xxrep 7 ? \n▁ xxrep 5 ? xxup follow xxup all xxup who xxup rt \n▁ xxrep 7 ? \n▁ xxrep 5 ? xxup xxunk \n▁ xxrep 7 ? \n▁ xxrep 5 ? xxup gain xxup with \n▁ xxrep 7 ? \n▁ xxrep 5 ? xxup follow ? xxunk # xxup xxunk \n▁ # xxup ty 0
1 xxbos . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : xxup rt xxunk : # xxunk \n\n xxmaj indian xxmaj army xxunk _ http : / / / xxunk g 0
2 xxbos i xxmaj hate xxmaj to xxmaj talking xxmaj xxunk xxmaj with xxmaj my xxmaj grandma … i xxmaj mean i xxmaj love xxmaj her xxmaj as xxmaj to xxmaj death xxmaj but xxmaj she xxmaj talk xxmaj so xxmaj damn xxmaj much xxmaj xxunk xxrep 3 h xxrep 3 e xxunk xxrep 3 ! xxrep 6 ? 0
len(dls.train_ds), len(dls.valid_ds)
(6091, 1522)
# Saving the dataloader for fast use in the future, path/'disaster_tweets_dls_cls.pkl')

Defining the learner

learn = text_classifier_learner(dls, AWD_LSTM, metrics=[accuracy, FBeta(beta=1)])
<fastai.text.learner.TextLearner at 0x7f822e1ff610>

  (0): SentenceEncoder(
    (module): AWD_LSTM(
      (encoder): Embedding(5832, 400, padding_idx=1)
      (encoder_dp): EmbeddingDropout(
        (emb): Embedding(5832, 400, padding_idx=1)
      (rnns): ModuleList(
        (0): WeightDropout(
          (module): LSTM(400, 1152, batch_first=True)
        (1): WeightDropout(
          (module): LSTM(1152, 1152, batch_first=True)
        (2): WeightDropout(
          (module): LSTM(1152, 400, batch_first=True)
      (input_dp): RNNDropout()
      (hidden_dps): ModuleList(
        (0): RNNDropout()
        (1): RNNDropout()
        (2): RNNDropout()
  (1): PoolingLinearClassifier(
    (layers): Sequential(
      (0): LinBnDrop(
        (0): BatchNorm1d(1200, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
        (1): Dropout(p=0.2, inplace=False)
        (2): Linear(in_features=1200, out_features=50, bias=False)
        (3): ReLU(inplace=True)
      (1): LinBnDrop(
        (0): BatchNorm1d(50, eps=1e-05, momentum=0.1, affine=True, track_running_stats=True)
        (1): Dropout(p=0.1, inplace=False)
        (2): Linear(in_features=50, out_features=2, bias=False)

Training the classifier

Fine-tuning a text classifier using gradual unfreezing, slanted learning rates and discriminating learning techniques.

learn.fit_one_cycle(1, 1e-2)
epoch train_loss valid_loss accuracy fbeta_score time
0 0.535416 0.458821 0.779238 0.712329 00:09
# Applying gradual unfreezing of one layer after another

learn.fit_one_cycle(1, slice(1e-3/(2.6**4),1e-2))
epoch train_loss valid_loss accuracy fbeta_score time
0 0.501659 0.448380 0.787122 0.728188 00:10
learn.fit_one_cycle(1, slice(5e-3/(2.6**4),1e-2))
epoch train_loss valid_loss accuracy fbeta_score time
0 0.485733 0.428565 0.812089 0.780338 00:10
learn.fit_one_cycle(2, slice(1e-3/(2.6**4),3e-3))
epoch train_loss valid_loss accuracy fbeta_score time
0 0.431396 0.422173 0.813403 0.765677 00:11
1 0.401168 0.432388 0.815374 0.778914 00:11'final_model')

Creating a Kaggle submission file

sub = pd.read_csv(path/'sample_submission.csv')
id target
0 0 0
1 2 0
2 3 0
3 9 0
4 11 0
dl = learn.dls.test_dl(test['text'])
preds = learn.get_preds(dl=dl)
# Let's view the output of a single row of data

array([0.12764977, 0.8723502 ], dtype=float32)
# Since it's a multi-class problem and it uses softmax on the binary classes, 
# Need to calculate argmax of the output to get the best class as follows 

sub['target'] = preds[0].argmax(dim=-1)
id target
0 0 1
1 2 1
2 3 1
3 9 0
4 11 1
sub.to_csv(path/'submission.csv', index=False)
!kaggle competitions submit -c nlp-getting-started -f submission.csv -m "ULMFiT Submission 1"
100% 22.2k/22.2k [00:01<00:00, 17.5kB/s]
Successfully submitted to Natural Language Processing with Disaster Tweets

To view the results from your submission, run the following code:

!kaggle competitions submissions -c nlp-getting-started
fileName                             date                 description                                                            status    publicScore  privateScore  
-----------------------------------  -------------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------  --------  -----------  ------------  
submission.csv                       2022-09-17 16:03:11  ULMFiT Submission 1                                                    complete  0.81091                    
submission_hf_trainer.csv            2021-07-13 06:20:09  Using trainer api basic                                                complete  0.82653                    
submission_hf_fp16.csv               2021-06-21 19:37:14  Bert Base Uncased using FP16 training                                  complete  0.83052                    
submission_transformers_pytorch.csv  2021-06-21 12:51:41  Using bert-base-uncased via hugging face but using native pytorch      complete  0.82500                    
submission_transformers.csv          2021-06-21 12:07:17  HuggingFace Bert Uncased Submission 1                                  complete  0.82684                    
submission.csv                       2021-06-21 07:00:15  ULMFiT Submission 1                                                    complete  0.81458                    
submission_ensemble.csv              2020-06-30 11:13:05  Roberta and LR with words and char n-grams ensemble                    complete  0.84033                    
submission_lr.csv                    2020-06-30 10:57:02  Text Classifier using logistic regression with words and char n-grams  complete  0.78945                    
submission.csv                       2020-06-28 05:05:33  Ensemble of ULMFiT and Roberta Predictions                             complete  0.83573                    
submission.csv                       2020-06-28 04:47:56  Averaging ULMFiT and Roberta Predictions                               complete  0.00000                    
submission.csv                       2020-06-28 04:34:00  Roberta model submission 3                                             complete  0.83328                    
submission.csv                       2020-06-28 04:25:41                                                                         complete  0.83481                    
submission.csv                       2020-06-28 03:27:17  Using Transformers Roberta Base                                        complete  0.83573                    
submission.csv                       2020-06-26 12:51:07  2nd submission                                                         complete  0.80447                    
submission.csv                       2020-06-23 13:41:52  Fastai Style                                                           complete  0.79865                    

The above submission acheived a score of ~0.81 on the competition leaderboard.


In this post we have seen how to build a fine-tuned language model for any textual data corpus which captures the semantics of the dataset. The encoder part of this fine-tuned language model was then used to build a pretty-decent text classifier that can identify tweets describing a natural disaster.

In the upcoming posts, I would try to delve deeper into building advanced NLP models like the Transformer architecture and researching other famous research papers in the domain of NLP.
